Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Way We Collect

Card collecting takes on many manners of style and interest. Some are collectors whose goal is to obtain every card in a particular set. Others may be type card collectors who concentrate on obtaining one card for many different issues. Some collect specific players or teams and others may collect cards of players who come from the collector’s State or hometown. Some collect vintage, pre-war, cards. Others may collect more modern issues. Some like to have their cards graded, i.e. authenticated by a third party grading company such as SGC, PSA, BVG and secured in a plastic holder while other collectors prefer their cards “raw”. However one collects it is that diversity that makes the hobby interesting for many.

The T206 White Border set lends itself to those interested in sub-set collecting. In the over 500 cards there are sixteen major league teams represented, a number of Southern League players and a number of Minor League teams. A collector might be interested in collecting all of the Chicago Cubs cards while another may be interested in the Brooklyn cards. Even within such team collections there can be a further breakdown such as the New York Giants Portrait sub-set shown below:

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